eyeful - traduction vers Anglais
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eyeful - traduction vers Anglais

to be an eyeful: estar buenísimo
con ojos grandes      
large eyed, ox-eyed
* bleary-eyed = con cara de sueño, con cara de cansado, medio adormilado, medio despierto, con los ojos hinchados
* eagle-eyed = con ojos de lince
* misty-eyed = con los ojos llorosos, con los ojos empañados, con los ojos nublados, sentimental, nostálgico
* sharp-eyed = con ojos de lince, de vista aguda, perspicaz, observador


If you get an eyeful of something, especially of something that you would not normally see, you are able to get a good look at it. (INFORMAL)
Then she bent over and gave him an eyeful of her tattoos.
N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n
Exemples de prononciation pour eyeful
1. Get an eyeful of that stripe, gentlemen, eh?
RocknRolla (2008)
Exemples du corpus de texte pour eyeful
1. Residents who can afford satellite television can get an eyeful of dancing, scantily dressed women.
2. And she turned up to an art gallery in a plunging black dress which gave onlookers more than an eyeful.
3. At one point, she did find herself a little overexposed as her bikini top slipped down, giving onlookers an eyeful.
4. Geri Halliwell gives onlookers an eyeful while leaving a top London restaurant, thanks to her wardrobe malfunction Read more...
5. We got an eyeful of this when we hiked up to Saurdalen, 14km from pretty, bohemian Balestrand.